Virgin Filipino *Straight*

Image of Virgin Filipino *Straight*


Virgin Filipino Hair is the BEST hair on the market! Words cannot describe the durability and texture of Filipino hair. This hair exceeds expectations. It is cut from the heads of young donors from the Philippines and imported directly to the US. It has the body and thickness you have been dreaming about. The cuticles are intact and flowing in the same direction which minimizes shedding and tangling. This hair can hold its own. It holds curls, straightens beautifully and after wash will return to its natural state. You can manipulate this hair more than your average Brazilian, Peruvian, Malaysian, etc... because it is strong. This hair is also low maintenance. You will not have to add much product to the hair for it to perform. Hair blends beautifully with relaxed or natural hair. You'll definitely be the eNVy of your environment!

Bundles 3.5+ ounces (100 grams)
Natural Black (1B-2)
No processing!
Flown in from the Philippines! Authentic, no fillers!
Cuticles in tact and flowing in same direction
Cut from 1 donor's ponytail of young age
Great for matching any texture of hair (Coarse or Fine)

*Keep in mind that each bundle is from a different donor's head, so no two bundles are alike. I will do my best to match each bundle as close as possible before shipping.

For inches 12-16, 2 bundles are needed.
For inches 18 and up, 3 bundles are recommended for fullness.

Filipino is full from the root to the tip and is thicker than Brazilian, Peruvian, Malaysian, Indian, etc... hair.

Coming Soon